Have You Voted? Make Sure!

Since our strike vote opened, we’ve been hearing from a number of members who say they voted via text message. Our strike vote is being conducted online and via paper ballot only — if you didn’t vote in one of these two ways, you haven’t voted. We don’t want to end up with a bad contract because people mistakenly thought they had already voted. (The text that was sent several weeks ago asking about your willingness to strike was not the actual vote.)

Also, please don’t assume that since member support for a strike is overwhelmingly strong, your vote isn’t needed because other peoples’ votes should have it covered. Our strike authorization isn’t determined only by the percentage of yes votes — we also need a certain threshold of members to vote yes in order for a strike to be authorized. 

If you haven’t voted yet, vote online here now or at one of the in-person locations listed here. The vote closes at 9 a.m. on Friday, Aug. 26.

  • If you want to double-check that you voted online, click here — if you’re given the option to vote, that means you haven’t voted online yet. 

  • If you want to check that your paper vote was received, email sanekonda@oregonafscme.org.

  • If you need technical assistance, email bargaining@local328.org or text (503) 715.6044.

  • If you want to review past bargaining updates, read our strike FAQ or see how Local 328’s and OHSU’s wage proposals compare before you vote, please check out our strike-vote resources page here.

Thank you for voting! Please reach out to your coworkers and make sure they’ve voted too.

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