Executive Board Candidate Statements

As many of you know, our Executive Board elections are coming soon! They will be held from September 5th to September12th on the Hub. In order to facilitate a better understanding of the candidates’ platforms, our Election Committee has collected statements from each of them who wished to provide one. They have been listed in the order by which they were received by the Election Committee. This year, only two positions are contested: President and Vice President.

Though these statements provide a great introduction to our candidates, there is still much to learn about them! Join us for our candidate forum happening Wednesday, August 23rd at 6pm.

Thank you to everyone who has offered their time to serve our union!


Treasurer (unopposed incumbent): Claire Irvan

I have served as Local 328’s treasurer since October 2019. During this time, I have worked diligently to build budgets that protect our members’ dues dollars and allocate funds in ways that directly serve our members. I have seen our union through a bargaining year, three conventions, and the completed purchase of our building on Barbur Blvd. I have attended three financial-standards training to ensure my understanding of the financial codes and standards that we are required to maintain. I have been truthful with our board about my assessment of our union’s finances when hard financial decisions need to be made.

Over the past four years, I have partnered and built strong working relationships with Local 328’s bookkeeper, our accountant, and the state council’s fiscal director. We have developed a strong foundation for communication and collaboration. If our members see fit to re-elect me as treasurer, I will continue to build on this foundation, constructing the framework for processes for the future. I am determined to create a solid structure for our union’s treasury.

I respect your vote and your choice. Your vote for me as treasurer, and your vote for my running mates, will be appreciated and deeply regarded. I am endorsed by Jennifer Barker, Karyn Trivette, Dinah Gilbert, my running mates and others. Learn more at www.328forthemembers.com.

Presidential Candidate: Jennie Olson

I’ve been a proud union member at OHSU since 2014, and have served our bargaining unit as a steward since 2016. In 2022, I served on the bargaining team that won our union’s best contract ever. I’m currently secretary of our union and a lead steward. With these qualifications, I am honored to run for president of our union. I believe in a democratic and member-led union.

Your vote for me is a vote for your priorities and the direction you want your union to take. I will commit my energy and time to listening to and acting on your concerns and needs. I’ll establish strong connections with rank-and-file members, and provide all members with the education and resources needed to succeed on the job and in our union.

Beyond my experience and qualifications, I have the competence and confidence required to respond to the needs of our members across roles and work units at OHSU. I have the character to stand for my values, uphold the right to debate, and meet the immense challenges this position will face.

I believe strongly in and work effectively with my running mates. Even when we disagree, we leverage our differing viewpoints to find solutions that result in action. Together, we will build power in our union to fight for our rights and win improvements at work!

I am endorsed by Jennifer Barker, Danny Stockdale, Tabatha Millican, my running mates and others. Learn more, and read our slate’s platform, at www.328forthemembers.com.

Secretary-elect (unopposed): Cassie Barton

I have worked as an OHSU pharmacist for a decade. I am a representational steward and have served on Local 328’s executive board as an at-large member for four years. Throughout my time on the board, I have tried to provide a different perspective, asking tough questions about how and where we spend our money and ensuring all members are represented in the decisions made. If elected as secretary, I will continue to do just that.

I promise to continue working to ensure that our union always thoroughly explores and critically considers the best ways in which to proceed in day-to-day operations, through bargaining, and beyond. I am committed to doing my best as your secretary, including taking detailed minutes and posting them on our website in a timely manner.

As an officer of our union, I am committed to getting us back on track and focusing on what matters to our members. I believe we need strong leadership to steer us back to the basics: communicating with our membership, keeping our members engaged and involved in our union and their workplace, and fighting for strong contracts. Jennie, Jen, Claire, Haley and I are committed to working for you, our members. We stand for improved transparency, communication, and accountability.

I am endorsed by Jennifer Barker, Kerry Moore, Jackie Lombard, my running mates and others. Learn more at www.328forthemembers.com.

Vice Presidential Candidate: Jen Laverdure

I have worked at OHSU for 16 years in many roles, from field technology analyst (fixing your computer problems at your desk), to project manager, to trainer. I have been the Local 328 Political Action Committee chair for nearly two years and a Council 75 executive board at-large member for over two years and was recently re-elected to that position. I was assigned to serve on the Council 75 Political Action Committee, where I have participated in candidate interviews and endorsements for offices around the state. I am currently a unit steward for my work team, Clinical Business Intelligence.

I have a history of activism in the Portland community that I will draw on to organize our members to build a stronger Local 328. I want our union to be led by the needs and concerns of all 8,000+ members of our bargaining unit, across campus and across the country. I look forward to building the participation of remote workers in our union.

This will be a challenge, but working collaboratively with our union’s other officers is the place to start! I am running for vice president as part of a slate of dedicated union members who bring expertise in Local 328’s operations, policies, and procedures; experience in representing their coworkers as stewards; and passion in building our union to win strong contracts and hold management accountable to them.

I am endorsed by Jennifer Barker, Leah Witte, Madhavi Nukala, and my running mates. Learn more at www.328forthemembers.com.

Chief Steward (unopposed incumbent): Haley Wolford Davis

I have proudly served as our union’s chief steward since January 2019. I helped represent us at the bargaining table in 2019 when we saw significant increases in our wages and benefits, and again in 2022 when we stood strong for even more! In 2022 we also saw impressive gains in steward contract language and employee protections — this has allowed me to restructure aspects of the steward program and increase participation over the last two years.

I have been thankful to work with an incredible group of stewards who are as passionate as I am about making connections with our fellow members, representing your interests, improving your work environments, and defending your rights under our contract. I am not willing to rest on past wins or sit comfortably in this office — I see many ways our union can improve! I’m excited about what our new online member portal, The Hub, offers members in the way of representation, transparency, training, and resources.

I’ve learned that managing the steward program requires a high level of collaboration, support, and buy-in from union officers and leadership in order to create the support structure necessary for stewards to best serve our represented employees. I am confident that the skills my running mates and I bring to the table will help Local 328 accomplish goals with a focus on empowering our members.

I am endorsed by Jennifer Barker, Nathaniel Guard, my running mates and others. Learn more at www.328forthemembers.com.

At-Large (unopposed incumbent): Karri Garaventa

I’m Karri Garaventa (she/her) and I’m running for re-election to an at-large board position so I can continue to support our members both inside and outside the walls of OHSU. I’ve held an at-large position for 4.5 years while simultaneously working as a union steward, supporting my unit and representing members in investigatory and grievance settings. This summer I regularly join the AFSCME staff and Local 328 member leader panel welcoming new OHSU workers at new employee orientation. I enjoy sharing our accomplishments and our future plans with new members, both at NEO and in casual conversation through campus and online. Three years of pandemic emergency has changed how we work, and our union must remain supportive and flexible as the lives of employees continue to change. We’re a diverse workforce who deserves to have a supportive and engaged leadership to lead us toward being a more active and democratic membership. I want to return to the board so I can continue to be part of that progress while spotlighting the value of the human behind each job at OHSU.

At-Large (unopposed incumbent): Roxana Logsdon

Hello, my name is Roxana Logsdon, and I am asking for your support in the position of at- large 4. This is a position I have held for six years, and I would like to continue. In order to provide you, our members, consistent, strong, and thoughtful leadership. Although the at-large 4 position is not the president, or vice president, all positions on the board are important, and as an at-large member, I will continue to attend executive board member meetings and events and strive to make for you, our members, the best informed decisions possible.

Thank You,

Roxana Logsdon

DEI Chair (unopposed): CG Brothers

I’m CG, I’ve been with OHSU for just shy of 5 years and I’ve been with 328 the whole time. I’m a white, disabled, trans nonbinary, autistic, formally educated member of our board. In my time with OHSU, I’ve spent two years working as a Maintenance Tech, a year working as an Admin Assistant, and for the better part of the last two years I’ve been an Admin Coordinator. I’ve also served as a unit and representational steward with 328 and as an At Large member of the Executive Board for the last several months. I’ve got a little more than two decades of experience working in and around trauma-informed communications and about 10 years of experience working in DEI. I’m also AFSCME’s first, and currently only, openly trans board member.

Within just a few weeks of joining the Board I lobbied them to make a statement supporting trans rights. I’ve spent the last few months learning from our current DEI chair, TJ Acena, and other board members about how we operate. One of my big goals for the future is building a Diversity Coalition across ERGs, offices focused on employee wellness, and other stakeholder offices across campus to build solidarity. My second goal is to reach out to our members from marginalized communities, specifically our BIPOC members. TJ has done a great job establishing this committee. The next step is to make our union an anti-racist union that seeks to include all members.

C.G. Brothers

Vice Presidential Candidate: Michael Stewart

I took on the role of president during a particularly challenging time. We had just experienced an abrupt change in leadership, and the pandemic was changing every aspect of our workplaces and how we functioned as a union local.

This was the environment as we entered into contract bargaining with OHSU. We did what strong unions do: drew strength from each other to bargain the best contract in the history of our local, one that was recognized by AFSCME International’s president. I am proud to have been your president and grateful that I had the privilege to work alongside vicepresident Sarah Curtis, the bargaining team, our staff, and my fellow members of Local 328 to achieve such a great success.

After these years of change, difficulties, and success, we are moving forward. We are strengthening our local, restarting New Employee Orientation, increasing our outreach efforts to reconnect with our fellow workers, and forming closer relationships with ONA, GRU, and HOU.

You all know me. You have seen me in your break rooms and work areas listening to your stories, concerns, and needs. You know that the members of 328 are my only priority because we have worked together to make OHSU better for all of us. Now, I ask that you vote for me for vice-president, and my close partner Sarah Curtis for president, so that we may continue to build union power alongside you.

Forever in Solidarity

Michael Stewart.

Presidential Candidate: Sarah Curtis

I'm proud of the accomplishments of our union over the last two years, with Michael and myself at the helm. We secured the best contract in our Local's history. We fought for and passed the Hospital Safe Staffing Law, and created a DEI Committee within our Local. I’ve shared our members' stories with state lawmakers and thousands of fellow AFSCME members nationwide.

As President, I have specific plans for making our union stronger and more inclusive. Board meetings should be hybrid to encourage member participation, and with translations available. I will integrate feedback forms into our monthly email so that members can weigh in on current topics.

I will meet our members where they are at. We will utilize new methods of connecting- like a Local 328 app, Discord, podcasts, and having designated board positions that represent satellite clinic and remote workers.

Our members' physical and mental well-being has been under constant strain the past few years. I want to partner with The Oregon Healthy Workforce Center to bring their Total Worker Health approach to our members. This includes a wide variety of supports from mental health training for managers, to reducing discrimination and harassment in the workplace.

This election will determine how our union defines itself as we recover from the pandemic. The leaders you choose will not only guide our union for the next two years, and will bargain our next contract. As the candidates with the proven experience, integrity, and results, we are asking for your vote.

IT Chair (unopposed): Evan Bowman

My name is Evan Bowman and I am asking for your vote for AFSCME Local 328 IT Chair. I have been a proud 328 member since 2001. I was honored to be asked earlier in the year to help our union finish deploying a new member database, and doubly so when I was then nominated and appointed as IT Chair. I have done my very best to use my technical know-how and network of contacts throughout OHSU for the betterment of my fellow workers. If I am fortunate enough to be re-elected, I will continue to encourage our union to modernize and advocate for remote workers. Specifically, I will press for:

1. Further protections for workers from repetitive use injury in their home offices.

2. Subsidies for high-speed internet for all represented employees.

3. Expanding the Acceptable Use policy to allow us more freedom to use OHSU equipment for non-OHSU social interactions.

In Solidarity,


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