Don’t Forget to Vote in May!

The right to vote continues to be a national topic of conversation, as we fight misinformation about the 2020 election and prepare for elections this year.

The right to vote was won at great expense, including lives lost. The Civil War brought about the 14th Amendment, giving Black men the right to vote in 1868. Women won the right to vote just over 100 years ago, with the passage of the 19th Amendment in 1920, after 80 years of activism by suffragists and their allies. The vote is a gift from the generations that came before us.

As much as we need to fight to protect the right to vote in today's political environment, we must also engage in voting itself. Oregon has a statewide primary election coming up in May, which you can learn about here. If you’re not currently registered to vote, it’s too late to vote in the May primary, but you can register online so you’re ready for the next election. (If you live in Washington, you can register online here.)

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Jen LaverdureComment