Celebrating a Significant Win: A Triumph for Employee Benefits

We are thrilled to share some positive news following our most recent Employee Benefits Council meeting. Thanks to the dedicated efforts and persistent advocacy from our members, including our petition and actions at the Board of Directors meeting, we successfully convinced OHSU to cover more of the cost of FY2025 benefits.

After presenting our petition, signed by over a quarter of OHSU employees, and physically showing up to the Board of Directors meeting to plead our case, OHSU has agreed to fund a larger share of the increase. This means we only had to find 0.47%. 

Initially, our projected benefit costs were set to increase by 12.5% in 2025, with OHSU funding only 9% of this increase. This left us with a 3.5% gap that needed to be paid for with increased costs to employees. The proposals OHSU put forward to bridge this gap were stark, raising deductibles and out-of-pocket maximums by hundreds to thousands of dollars, while also increasing copays, prescription drug costs, and more. It was estimated that OHSU wanted to shift almost $11 million in costs directly to employees. 

What This Means for Us

This is a substantial win for every employee and their families at OHSU. With the gap now reduced to 0.47%, the financial burden on our employees will be significantly lessened. This percentage reduction equates to approximately $10 million in direct savings for employees. 

This means that the only increases you will see are: 

Increase ER Copay by $50 (instead of  $100+)

Increase Primary Care and Specialist Copays by $5 (instead of $20)

Increase Deductible and OOPM by $50 (individual)/$100 (family) (instead of hundreds to thousands)

Increase HSA Deductible (IRS Requirement)

RX copay (complex, but the smallest increase of all options)

The Power of Collective Action

Your participation and feedback played a crucial role in this outcome. The collective voice of our Union members demonstrated the strength of unity and the importance of standing together for a common cause. This victory is a testament to what we can achieve when we work together.

Thank You

We could not have achieved this without you, our Union Members. Your support, participation, and dedication have made this victory possible. Let's continue to stand together and strive for more wins in the future.

In solidarity,

Cassie Barton and the rest of your AFSCME EBC team

Cassie Barton7 Comments