Budget Talks Update #10--Close to a Deal!

6/23 Update: No news yet (12:30 p.m.), folks. We’ll post as soon as have something for you.

6/22 Update: As of 4:00 p.m., we haven’t yet received the final draft of the letter of agreement from OHSU.

AFSCME Local 328 is 99.9% home on reaching a deal with OHSU!  The letter of agreement we’ve been working on will empower our members to make personal decisions about whether they can afford to help OHSU at this time and will give OHSU additional tools to save jobs. The teams are currently hammering out a few last details and finalizing the language in the LOA, which contains the following items:

  • Voluntary FTE reduction program

  • Voluntary retirement incentive program

  • Temporary layoff procedure (both voluntary and mandatory)

  • Voluntary permanent layoff procedure

  • Staff redeployment procedure (both voluntary and mandatory)

  • Joint OHSU/AFSCME pandemic task force

As noted previously, the LOA does not include any changes to or reductions in the wages negotiated in our 2019 – 2022 contract.

We’ll share the full LOA, with details about each of the above items as possible — hopefully on Monday, June 22. Since we won’t have the final document available for review today, we need to postpone the dates of the ratification vote. The vote will now take place from June 24 through 30.

The AFSCME Local 328 COVID-19 Impact Response Team would like to thank our membership for your support — and patience — during this process. We’ll share the final documents and additional information as soon as possible!