Bargaining Update: September 6

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Today’s update will be brief, since our bargaining team didn’t meet with OHSU today. We did have a productive work day, however.

As you know, a week ago today we informed OHSU of our intent to declare impasse. As part of the post-impasse process, the teams are required to submit our final offers, with costing information, to the Oregon Employment Relations Board by the end of the day tomorrow, Sept. 7. The required 30-day cooling-off period will then start, and a strike could be called as soon as the end of the first week of October.

Part of our team’s work today involved reviewing our ERB submission. We also met with Oregon AFSCME’s executive director and communications director to discuss our outreach and communications plans for the coming month. Part of this will involve on-campus visits and possible direct actions, which we’ll provide a schedule for as soon as possible. In the meantime, please join us for one of the following Zoom forums:

  • Mediation/Strike Update: Wednesday, Sept. 28, 12 - 1 p.m. Register here.

Our team’s tentative schedule for September is as follows:

  • Tuesday, Sept. 13: bargaining-team work day

  • Thursday, Sept. 15: mediation with OHSU

  • Tuesday, Sept. 20: bargaining-team work day

  • Monday, Sept. 26: mediation with OHSU

Over the next several days we’ll be sharing more information with you, including:

Jennifer Barker12 Comments