Bargaining Update: May 3

Today the teams began the process of passing counterproposals back and forth. While we remain quite far apart on some proposals and await responses on others, we’re pleased that the teams reached several tentative agreements and made good progress on other proposals.

Tentative Agreements Reached:

  • 5.EX3 Split Shifts: new definition

  • 5.EX4 Business Day: new definition

  • 6.8.1 Personnel File Contents: non-substantive changes

  • 7.10 Shift Trades: addition of language allowing salaried employees to trade shifts across pay periods (click here to read the TA)

  • 12.5 Accrual Limits: deletion of obsolete language

  • 14.1.5 Test/Interview Leave: addition of language that expands when this leave can be used and gives the option of an additional paid hour of leave

  • 18.1.5 Restriction on Bids: addition of language to ensure this restriction applies equally to existing and new employees

  • Appendix C Employee Benefits Council: addition of language giving the House Officers Union a seat on the EBC

  • MOU #13 Employee Advisory Council: changes to reflect that the EAC is now an existing body rather than one that still needs to be formed

Local 328 Counterproposals:

We proposed keeping current contract language for the following sections of the contract, meaning that we rejected OHSU’s proposals — please ask in the comments if you have any questions:

  • 5.29 Relief Employee

  • 7.2.2 Split Shifts

  • 7.4 Availability of Additional Work

  • 7.6 Meal Periods

  • 8.6 Upward Adjustments

  • 12.4.3 Submission & Granting of Vacation & Holiday Requests

  • Appendix E Voluntary Waiver of Daily Overtime/Appendix H Voluntary Waiver of Shift Differential/MOU re: OT/Shift Waivers

We also made the following counterproposals:

  • 7.12 Modified Operations: This proposal expands the language to apply to more than just inclement weather. Click here to read the proposal.

  • 22.1.1 Education & Training Hours: This proposal expands the number of hours available and rejects OHSU’s proposal to require 28 days’ notice to attend a class. Click here to read the proposal.

  • MOU #UX7 Employee Designations: We re-presented our original proposal for OHSU to designate employees as critical-function workers, hospital workers and/or employees in units with seven-day operations.

  • MOU re: Exit Interviews: This proposal would require OHSU to offer voluntary exit interviews within six months of contract ratification. Click here to read the proposal.

OHSU Counterproposals:

OHSU offered a counterproposal package related to contract language on disciplinary matters — please read the proposal language here and ask questions in the comments:

  • 5.EX1 Coaching

  • 6.8.5 Removal of Materials

  • 23.1 Progressive Discipline

  • 23.1.2 Suspension of Seniority Rights

  • 23.3.1 Notice (Investigatory Interviews)

  • 23.4 Pre-discharge Notice

  • 23.6 Unauthorized Absences

  • 23.7 Limit on Pay Reductions

  • 24.3 Release Time

OHSU also made the following counterproposals:

  • 6.13 Contracting/MOU #UX12 Contracting Out Model: OHSU rejected these proposals because management’s team feels that current contract language adequately addresses these scenarios.

  • 12.7.1 Vacation Donation Pool: OHSU has made movement with this counterproposal. Click here to read the proposal.

  • Appendix G Guidelines on Reaching Consensus: OHSU accepted many of our proposed changes. Click here to read the proposal.

Important Dates:

  • Convention Nominations: Make a nomination here for our delegation to the 45th AFSCME International Convention (Philadelphia, July 11 – 15).

  • May 12 Richmond Public Forum: See details here.

  • May 18 Bargaining Forum: Register here.

  • May 20 Proposal Feedback Drop-in Session: Details coming soon.