Bargaining Update: August 2

2022 Strike-Vote Information: We’ve set up a new landing page where we’ll be posting pertinent information about our upcoming strike vote, including information on how to vote online, where in-person voting will take place, how to register for upcoming strike forums and when bargaining team members will be doing site visits and tabling. The page will also include educational materials to help you make your decision, including an updated side-by-side comparison, our strike FAQ and more. Check it out here.

Aug. 10 Strike-Vote Forum: We’ll be holding a forum to answer all your questions regarding the strike vote and striking itself. The forum will be held on Zoom on Wednesday, Aug. 10, from 12 – 1 p.m. Register here.

We had another productive day with OHSU today, with both teams exchanging a number of important proposals. (Our next mediation session is 17 days from now; there’s unlikely to be any news about across-the-board wage increases until then, but the teams will continue to meet every Tuesday, working to reach agreement on other proposals.)

OHSU Counterproposals: The management team proposed the following today:

  • Discipline/Grievance Package:

    • 8.2.3 Withholding of Wage Increase: OHSU agreed to remove this language.

    • 23.1 Progressive Discipline: OHSU agreed to remove demotion from the progressive-discipline options.

    • 23.1.2 Suspension of Seniority Rights: OHSU agreed to our language.

    • 23.8 Transmissions to Union: OHSU agreed to add discipline-related unpaid leave to the list of disciplinary actions our union is to be notified of.

    • 24.1 Grievance Procedure: OHSU added clarifying language re: the use of grievance-related problem solving, as well as language re: the timelines around grievances re: complaints of harassment and discrimination.

  • Additional Work/Overtime Scheduling Package: The employer presented language that attempted to align the scheduling processes in 7.4 Availability of Additional Work and 9.1.4 Scheduling and Assignment of Overtime. OHSU wants to move to a system where the scheduling of both additional work and overtime is seniority based until 24 hours prior to the shift in question, and then it would be on a first-come, first-served basis.

  • Clean-up Time Package: OHSU agreed to much of our language, with some clarifications added. The management team continues to request that OHSU-provided clothing like khakis and polo shirts be exempted from this language.

  • Non-packaged Proposals:

    • 6.13 Contracting Out Services: OHSU is proposing to strike out our proposed language re: supplemental staffing (the use of travelers and temps), preferring to address this in a new memorandum of understanding.

    • New MOU re: Use of Travelers/Temps: OHSU has proposed this MOU agree for the parties to meet twice yearly to discuss reducing OHSU’s use of travelers and temps.

    • MOU #7 Services for Employees Whose Primary Language Is Not English: We’re very close to agreement on this MOU, which will make important work and union information much more accessible for employees whose primary language is not English.

We are very pleased to report on OHSU’s counterproposal to our DEI and anti-discrimination/-harassment package. We first proposed the bulk of this language back on April 12. Until today, OHSU’s response to this language was simply to have the Covington committees deal with it. Today the employer agreed to address the language within our contract and made a package proposal consisting of the following components:

  • MOU re: DEI Proposals: OHSU proposed withdrawing this MOU, which would have sent our language to the Covington committees.

  • New DEI Appendix: This new appendix would address most of our proposed new definitions — expanding on them in most cases — and includes anti-harassment/-discrimination language based in large part on our proposals. The appendix also includes “limited reopener” language, which would allow the parties to renegotiate the appendix if needed in order to harmonize with the Covington committees’ recommendations (e.g., updated definitions, improved procedures, etc.). While the proposed appendix doesn’t cover everything we asked for, OHSU’s movement here is significant and encouraging.

  • 2.7 Bargaining Unit Data/5.UX2 Demographic Information/MOU #UX1 Collection of Demographic Information: The management team is rejecting our proposals re: collecting demographic information, stating that OHSU doesn’t have the capability to gather this information at this time.

  • 11.1 Recognized Holidays/MOU re: Floating Holidays: OHSU continues to propose that we give up President’s Day in exchange for Juneteenth and Indigenous Peoples’ Day.

AFSCME Counterproposals: Our union’s team proposed the following today:

MOU re: Exit Interviews: This language, including having the exit-interview responses shared with us, is a priority for our union. We made a counterproposal adding verbiage that we hope will allow us to get us to an agreement. We also provided sample opt-in language for OHSU to consider.

Remote Work Package: We made significant movement in this package, while holding firm on the key areas that our our remote workers have told us are most important to them:

  • 6.5 Work Life Balance: We re-presented this proposal, which has no economic impact and imposes no new requirements on the employer.

  • 6.UX2 Remote Work: We’re asking OHSU to clarify what the “standard technology and equipment” are. We’ve withdrawn our request for a monthly differential, but are reproposing paid time to go to campus to drop off or pick up malfunctioning equipment.

  • MOU # Remote Work Committee: We’re reproposing this joint committee.

    MOU #UX8 Out-of-State Remote Work: We proposed withdrawing this MOU and instead added its key language (that current and future bargaining-unit employees will be allowed to work outside of Oregon and Washington) to section 6.UX2.

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