Bargaining Update 3/25/25
Yesterday, we proposed new language for article 11.2 - Holiday Compensation. Our proposal includes the following key changes that we believe will address many of our members concerns:
Employees who work on a designated holiday will receive time and a half of their straight rate of pay.
Employees not working on a holiday due to clinic closure will be compensated at their regular rate for their standard workday (regardless of FTE status).
Employees who are not scheduled to work and do not work on a designated holiday will receive compensation at their straight-time hourly rate, based on their FTE, which is currently the standard.
In our last contract, we secured a significant win with preceptor language which honors applicable clinical staff differentials for training in clinical settings. Yesterday, we passed a new proposal which recognizes the valuable work our non-clinical staff perform when training in non-clinical settings, which is separate from existing lead work differentials.
OHSU passed a counter to our proposed protected sick leave, rejecting the definitions of occurrences and half-occurrences. Their rationale was that the standard may not be consistent across departments. Local 328 utilized OHSU's own policy language to define occurrences in a way that standardizes usage, so we are disappointed by this response.
Finally, we’re excited to announce another upcoming town hall focused on across-the-board wage increases and benefits. This meeting will be held remotely on Monday, April 7th, at noon. Registration details will be sent to all dues-paying members later this week and posted on our website’s event page.