Mediation Update: July 2

First things first — we didn’t reach an agreement tonight, but will be continuing the mediation process. We’d like to thank the several dozen green-clad members who came to the Oregon AFSCME building this morning. As always, the strong, visible support of our members is invaluable to our team and to the bargaining process! Check out our union’s Facebook page for a photo and video from the action.

This morning, our team gave OHSU a set of individual proposals (not as a package), in the hopes that we could reach tentative agreements on issues without economic impact. Local 328 agreed to withdraw several of our proposals, including to add FTE modifications to the language in 5.14 Layoff and to establish an advanced-certification differential. The teams reached agreement on the following:

      • 7.9 In-House Standby: Update the article to reflect current practice (stating that “sleeping arrangements” will be provided, rather than specifying that a private, locked sleeping room will be provided).

      • 9.1.4.g. Scheduling and Assignment of Overtime: Add language stating that if an employee is required to work more than 16 consecutive hours, the time worked beyond the 16 hours will be paid at double time.

We’re close to reaching agreement on the following:

      • 5.28 Relief Employee: Changes related to requiring relief employees to provide availability within a range of hours rather than requiring four days’ worth of availability.

      • 23.3.5 When Attendance Is the Issue: Changes related to modifying the time frame for attendance-related discipline in light of the provisions of the Oregon Sick Time Law.

      • 23.6 Unauthorized Absences: Changes related to improving the language around termination due to unauthorized absences (including no-call no-shows). 

At various points in the session, it seemed that the teams perhaps could have reached an agreement — it was a roller coaster of a day. We asked management for assurances that health-care take-backs would be off the table before our team could signal possibilities for movement elsewhere, but OHSU was unable to provide that. Late in the evening, our team attempted to produce an economic “framework” supposal for OHSU at the urging of the mediator, but we were unable to complete this tonight. Our team wrapped up our day at 11:15 p.m.

After 44 hours of work over the course of our three days of mediation, we’ve been unable to reach an agreement. Our bargaining team is still clear that our members’ priorities are no health-insurance take-backs, no PTO and decent across-the-board increases. Our contract has been extended through Wednesday, July 3. Under an expired contract, many provisions of the agreement (such as anniversary dates, health insurance, etc.) do roll over; the parameters of the grievance process will need to be discussed and agreed upon with OHSU.

Unfortunately, the mediator is not available to work with our teams again until the week of July 22. We’re working to finalize the date of our next mediation session, which should take place at the beginning of that week. We plan to hold an informational picket, on a date to be determined, after that mediation session.

Thank you for your continued support over the coming weeks — we’re stronger together!