Mediation Update: June 18

 Today was our second time meeting with the state mediator. Over the course of the day, bargaining-team leaders from Local 328 and OHSU met in a series of sidebars and the teams exchanged communications through the mediator. While our team waited for a counterproposal from OHSU, we discussed strategies and communications for the coming weeks. At 6:10 p.m., we received a confidential mediation proposal from OHSU that discussed wages, PTO and benefits. Our team reviewed the proposal in good faith and will respond to OHSU during our next mediation session.Although no movement was made today, we look forward to making progress in future mediation sessions. Due to a scheduling conflict, the state mediator is not available next week; as such, we will not be meeting with OHSU. Our union’s bargaining team will instead use the day to analyze the final bargaining-survey data, consider a variety of contract options and proposals, work on communications and conduct member outreach. The teams will spend three consecutive business days in mediation starting on Friday, June 28.

Upcoming EventsOur members deserve a fair contract with no take-backs, and we have the power to get it. OHSU proposes financial take-backs every contract because it thinks our members will just accept them, but you have the power to say “enough is enough” and prove OHSU wrong. Please take note of the following important dates and participate to help us win a fair contract:

      • OHSU’s second bargaining forum with HR director Hollie Hemenway will be held on Wednesday, June 19, from 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. in the Doernbecher 11th floor Vey Auditorium. We encourage our members to attend (wearing green and wearing your AFSCME buttons and stickers, of course) and respectfully engage as OHSU presents information about its proposals.

      • Join your coworkers at our union’s next bargaining town hall on Wednesday, June 26, from 12:00 noon - 1:00 p.m. in UHS 8B60. This is your opportunity to ask questions about proposals that are still on the table, what’s happening in mediation, and what our union’s — and our members’ — next steps are. The town hall will be live-streamed for members who are unable to attend in person — the link will be shared in our bargaining-update email. Light refreshments will be served.

      • Show the OHSU board of directors at their next meeting that our members are standing strong for a fair contract at our “Green-out the Board” event on Thursday, June 27, at 1:00 p.m. at RLSB rm. 2S030/34 (at the waterfront). Wear green, of course!