Bargaining-Session Update: June 11

 Today, the teams continued working on Article 28: Labor Management Committee (see last week’s update). In addition, the teams reached tentative agreements on the following sections of the contract:

    • Memorandum of Understanding #1: Drug and Alcohol Testing — We modified this MOU to add breathalyzer sampling as an option for testing for alcohol. We also added language to allow testing when an employee in a non-testable position performs work out of class in a testable position; repeat testing will not be needed if the employee transfers to that position at a later date.

    • New MOU: OHSU/AFSCME Task Force on Workforce Mental Health Support and Peer-to-Peer Group Counseling/Support — This task force will develop a position description for and oversee the hiring of an OHSU-employed internal counselor to support on-site group counseling/support in the wake of tragic/difficult events (death of a coworker, death of a long-time patient, etc.) that affect a work unit, as well as create a training program for interested members to recognize PTSD symptoms and to provide critical-incident group debriefings to employees in affected work units. 

The teams will be in mediation next week, then will meet on our own one more time prior to going back into mediation for three consecutive business days starting on Friday, June 28. Finally, our bargaining survey will close on Friday, June 14. If you haven’t yet done so, please take the survey now