Bargaining-Session Summary

This week our union made proposals regarding:

  • Longevity status restoration (some employees lost their longevity status with the 2015 contract — this proposal will make them whole)

  • Employee Benefits Council decision-making (requires final decisions about benefits to be made by committee consensus rather than by a tie-breaking vote by the OHSU president)

  • Changes in work location (this language aims to address challenges faced by employees whose work location changes: transportation, child-care needs, etc.)

OHSU offered a few proposals/counterproposals that were primarily non-substantive. The management team was only available for negotiations in the morning; the Local 328 team spent the rest of the day strategizing and working on future proposals. OHSU did not modify or withdraw its proposal that would financially penalize stewards and potentially damage our union’s ability to effectively represent our employees.We encourage our members to comment on the updates posted here and to our Facebook page. Your feedback is important to the decisions we make at the bargaining table.

Get Involved

Ask questions of members of our bargaining team at our town hall on Wednesday, March 27, from 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. in UHS 8B60. Light refreshments will be served. A link to a live-stream will be emailed the day of the event for those of you who are unable to attend in person. You may email questions in advance to Feel free to share the attached flyer.If you wish to observe all or part of a bargaining session, email Matt Hilton at president@local328.orgin advance to make arrangements.

To arrange a worksite visit for you and your coworkers to ask questions and give feedback about bargaining, use the Contact Us form on the Local 328 website.