Bargaining Timeline

It may seem early to be talking about bargaining, but to bargain effectively requires a lot of planning and preparation. Here's a look at a general timeline for our upcoming contract.When we bargain a contract there are timelines that must be met due to contractual or legal requirements and timelines that we set for ourselves to insure an orderly and strategic progression through the bargaining process.Our contract expires on June 30, 2019. Settlement could happen on or before that date but our experience tells us that we usually settle in July or August.  Bullets  highlight critical events.Spring 2017 – Mid-term membership survey by polling firm.Summer/Fall 2017 – Establish member action team.Fall 2017 – Begin member education program about bargaining which will continue through bargaining.Summer 2018 - Nominate bargaining team.Summer 2018 – Bargaining team candidate panels/campaign.

  • Summer/Fall 2018 – Elect bargaining team.

Summer/Fall 2018 - Train bargaining team.Fall 2018 – Member forums, informal and formal surveys, unit steward hosted lunch and learns.Fall/Winter 2018/19 – Work with polling company to develop comprehensive bargaining survey based on member, bargaining team, leadership and staff input.Winter 2019 – Deploy professional survey.February 2019 – Pre bargaining discussions with OHSU.

  • March 2019 – Bargaining begins.

March - July 2019 – Weekly, all day, bargaining sessions.March 2019 – State mediation pre-requested to meet statutory 150 day notice requirement.

  • June 30 2019 – Contract expires.

June - July 2019 – Contract placed in final form and proofread, if settlement has been reachedJune – July 2019 – Member ratification vote, if settlement has been reached

  • If Settlement has not been reached then:

July – August 2019 – Mediation, if required.July – August 2019 – Notice of declaration of impasse, if requiredAugust – September 2019 – Notice of declaration of 30 day cooling off period, if required.Summer/Fall 2019 – Job actions and rallies, if required

  • August – October 2019 – 10 day strike notice, if required
  • Summer/Fall 2019 – Strike, if required.