Better Know a Board Member: President Matt Hilton

Our union’s communications committee is launching a new series of profiles of all of our board members. Our goal is to interview them about OHSU, our union and their life in an effort to help our members get to know our leaders a bit better. First up for this task, Matt Hilton.Matt works in ITG as a call-center representative. Prior to becoming president of Local 328, he held positions on our union’s political-action committee and executive board. Matt lives in SW Portland with his wife Jamie.What made you want to work at OHSU? My strong desire for food and housing.What is the best part of your job?I speak with a variety of people every day, and there’s always something new popping up. This is also the least stressful job I’ve ever worked.What is something you want to change about OHSU?Every contract shouldn’t be viewed as an opportunity for take-backs. That and some sort of profit-sharing system should be introduced. If we can give bonuses to management, what’s good for the goose, is good for the gander.How did you get involved in the union?A coworker encouraged me to become a steward right after my probationary period was up.What has been your most powerful experience within our union? Leading a rally/press conference/ city-hall sit-in in Detroit, protesting Governor Rick Snyder, for a national AFSCME Next Wave conference was a great experience. I’m also very proud of the settlement we got last contract.What does a successful next contract look like to you?Something that’s going to put more money in people’s pockets. Something that will help offset the insane rise in the cost of living here.Favorite place to grab a bite in Portland?2:00 a.m. food-cart food can’t be beat.Favorite beer/drink?Dark liquor and rocks, or good old fashioned PBR.Favorite place to hike, swim or generally have fun in Portland?The Portland rose garden in Washington Park is a gem, and also where I asked my wife to marry me.If you could eat dinner with one historical figure, who would it be and why?Hunter S. Thompson, because the conversation wouldn’t be dull.Most embarrassing fact about yourself that you are willing to share?During the 2012 AFSCME International convention in Los Angeles, I was passionately trying to convince a homeless man to vote for AFSCME presidential candidate Danny Donahue — until he asked if he could by some meth from me. Then I realized he wasn’t a convention delegate, and that I’d probably imbibed too much at a Next Wave event earlier that evening.