Financial Policies
To set parameters around which expenses are eligible to be funded from the Local 328 contract defense fund.
When purchasing goods and/or services, it is the policy of AFSCME Local 328 to direct union funds to union vendors/suppliers whenever it is feasible, in order to support the sustainability and growth of trade unionism.
This policy sets forth the guidelines around using vendors.
To set parameters for motions requesting the expenditure of AFSCME Local 328 funds.
To provide clarity around the permissibility and approval of alcohol purchases for/at union events.
To define the parameters to be followed when checks are signed on behalf of AFSCME Local 328.
To outline the parameters under which the union may maintain and use a Local 328 owned credit card.
To ensure that executive-board members and other Local 328 activists without a personal vehicle or a suitable public-transportation option are able to participate in union events, and to establish financially prudent parameters around reimbursing rides.
To clearly define the parameters regarding reimbursements to members.
To establish eligibility criteria for the hardship fund to assist AFSCME-represented employees experiencing housing, transportation or food insecurity, which was established by the 2019 – 2022 OHSU-AFSCME Local 328 collective-bargaining agreement. (See MOU #10 for details.)
Executive Board Policies
To set forth parameters for how stipend amounts are approved, how stipends are disbursed and how officers remain eligible to receive stipends.
To incentivize and compensate Local 328 executive-board members to fully participate in board activities and responsibilities.
To inform executive-board members of the union’s expectations around attendance at board meetings and the consequences of unexcused absences.
To establish a clear process for the approval of arbitration requests from staff.
To ensure that the process for email motions and voting by the Local 328 executive board is clear and understood by board members.
To set forth the duties, both mandatory and optional, of Local 328 executive-board members.
To ensure that all AFSCME Local 328 records are preserved and that financial reports and executive board minutes shall be open to review by members upon reasonable notice.
Education/Member Involvement Policies
To clearly define the parameters regarding members attending trainings and other non-convention, union related events.
Lost time is paid by the union so that members may participate in approved union activities during work time without a loss of pay. Payment of lost time is intended solely to make the member whole.
This policy sets forth the parameters under which the union will pay for release from work so that:
• Members needing to use lost time have a clear understanding of the process.
• The union has guidelines for financially prudent payment for lost time.
To establish parameters for the existence and functioning of AFSCME Local 328 committee, and for union representation on OHSU committees.
To outline the process by which a resolution may be presented at a union convention.
MM-BN-07 Resolutions.pdf
To set forth the qualifications and requirements for each position within the Local 328 steward program.
Elections/Bargaining Policies
To ensure that the elections process is clear to member, local elections are conducted in a fair manner, and members are given adequate information to make an informed vote.
To determine the voting parameters and threshold for strike authorization, in order to ensure participation at the level required for an effective strike.
Complaints Policies
To set forth a standard method of dealing with complaints against stewards, including the chief steward, that is consistent, fair and flexible.
To set forth a standard method of dealing with complaints against member leaders that is consistent, fair and flexible.
To set forth a standard method of dealing with complaints against staff members that is consistent, fair and flexible.
Equipment Policies
To outline parameters for the handling and disposal of Local 328 property.
To delineate which board positions are eligible for union-provided hardware and software, and to outline the parameters under which board members receive and may purchase the equipment used in their office.