Unit Steward Speaks Up About Unfair Labor Practice

We let OHSU Labor Relations know on Thursday, Feb. 17, that we believe the employer has engaged in direct dealing on several issues, including some related to COVID sick leave. Therefore, our union will be filing several unfair labor practice complaints against OHSU. Bargaining begins in earnest in less than three weeks, so this is a particularly disappointing time for OHSU fail to live up to the promises it has made about entering negotiations in good faith.

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Local 328 Comments
Free Online Summit with Higher Education Labor United

HELU will be hosting its first winter summit from Wednesday, Feb. 23, through Sunday, Feb. 27. Unions from all over the country will meet to talk about the challenges facing higher education and how to organize in response. There will be sessions on political organizing, building alliances between unions, union policy and social justice within the labor movement. Any Local 328 member is invited to attend, free of charge!

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TJ AcenaComment
Your Wages: Work out of Class and Reclassifications

For many of us, the scope of our job at OHSU stays more or less the same, but there may be times that your manager assigns work to you that is significantly different than your regular job. Do you know that you’re entitled to a pay differential when that happens? Do you know that if your job has evolved and your duties no longer match your position description, you have the right to request a job reclassification?

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Sima Anekonda Comments