Why Did OHSU Remove and Immediately Reinstate Domestic Partner Benefits on 10/4?

Yesterday OHSU announced to employees with domestic partners covered by their benefits package that this coverage would end. This was quickly reversed, and now coverage for domestic partners and children of domestic partners will continue. 

In communications regarding the reversal, Dr. Jacobs stated that the Employee Benefit Council (EBC) voted to end these benefits, but failed to mention that union representatives from AFSCME, AURN/ONA, and HOU abstained from this vote in protest. The β€˜yes’ votes came from OHSU administration, not union voices. Union-represented EBC members have been calling for change in the EBC for months. We have repeatedly requested basic considerations such as receiving materials in advance of meetings, answering questions in a timely manner, having a decision maker (specifically Dr. Jacobs) attend the meetings, and an alignment of the decision making timeline with OHSU's budget considerations in order to allow for meaningful benefit additions, not just constant benefit cuts to balance a budget set by management with no justification or reasoning. Before the vote, all union-represented EBC members expressed their concern with the council process and stated that we could not support this continued erosion of benefits for the workers that keep OHSU running. 

AFSCME local 328 wants to thank our membership and other affected OHSU employees who spoke out against this change. It is through our collective action that we keep OSHU honest and accountable. We would also like to thank the leadership of our ERGs and especially our executive board member CG Brothers for their instrumental organizing to oppose this change.   

Through collective action we win, and we won big yesterday!

In solidarity,

Local 328

Local 3283 Comments